
Our students come from diversified backgrounds with no discrimination of race, ethnic group and country of origin or Christian denomination. All candidates must comply with the following requirements:

  • Having completed High School or more.
  • Being a Baptized Christian.
  • Having an intellectual Eros to further knowledge in theology and a calling to serve God and humanity.
  • Having an altruistic spirit, ready to sacrifice for another.
  • Being enrolled with the school.
  • Paying the tuition.


Our courses are based on a curriculum that will enable our graduates to be good scholars with solid knowledge and competency in their field of education as well as good practitioners in their respective fields of ministry.

PUTS organizes three kinds of courses: online, on-campus, and residency. Most of our students being distant ones, our courses are mostly given online. Every national or international PUTS student must have residency courses during their time of study at the School in order to have interaction with professors, lecturers, and mentors for their thesis or dissertation at our campus in Raieign North Carolina or any of our satellite learning Centers in the US or Africa.

Residency studies are normally scheduled over the academic year starting from fall to summer. Depending on some candidates enrollment schedules can be made for fall, winter, spring, or summer session. Distance education candidates can enroll any time of the year and make specific arrangements with the school for their course schedule. Professors and lecturers are always available and willing to work with distance students.


Grading System

Normal Courses                                       Honor/AP Courses

Grade        Percent      GPA                  Grade        Percent      GPA

A              90-100       3.5-4.0              A              90-100       4.5-5.0

B              80-89        2.53.49              B              80-89        3.5-4.49

C              70-79        1.5-2.49             C              70-79        2.5-3.49

D              60-69        1.0-1.49             D              60-69        2.0-2.49

E/F           0-59          0.0-0.99             E/F           0-59          0.0-1.99



  1. Pilgrims University Theological Seminary incorporated office, 2645 Gwyn Road, Burlington, North Carolina 27217, USA.
  2. Good Samaritan Theological University –  international representative affiliate office,  6160 a Saint Gilles Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27612, USA.


  1. Pilgrims university theological seminary@ Voice of Liberty Int’l Training Schools, No.4 Voice of Liberty Road, IkotOdogo, EtimEkpo, Akwa Ibom State Nigeria, West Africa.
  2. Pilgrims theological seminary No. 1 Industry Road, Aba Abia State, Nigeria, West Africa.


  1. TWO YEARS CERTIFICATE IN THEOLOGY: This is awarded to those who have satisfactorily completed the two-year’s curriculum. This programme is designed to give the students basic preparation for the ministry.
  2. TWO YEAR CHRISTIAN WORKERS CERTIFICATE: This is awarded to part-time ministers and those who desire to major in the specific area of the Christian Ministry. This includes music and computer data applications.
  3. TWO YEARS ASSOCIATE DEGREE IN THEOLOGY: This is awarded to those who have fulfilled the basic and specific requirements as well as passed the prescribed examinations.
  4. FOUR YEARS B.A DEGREE IN THEOLOGY: This School is also in partnership with the Good Samaritan Theological University. Is awarded this Degree to pastors, missionaries, and Church administrators who have fulfilled the requirements for this valid degree.


  1. Certificate Programme
  2. The Candidate:
  3. Must be born again
  4. Must have at least FSLC or JSCE


The Candidate

  • Having completed High School or more.
  • Being a Baptized Christian.
  • Having an intellectual Eros to further knowledge in theology and a calling to serve God and humanity.
  • Having an altruistic spirit, ready to sacrifice for another.
  • Being enrolled with the school.
  • Paying the tuition.


The Candidate:

  • Having completed High School or more.
  • Being a Baptized Christian.
  • Having an intellectual Eros to further knowledge in theology and a calling to serve God and humanity.
  • Having an altruistic spirit, ready to sacrifice for another.
  • Being enrolled with the school.
  • Paying the tuition.
  • Must have a basic certificate in Theology


The application must submit:

  • 4 recent colored passport sized photographs
  • Three letters of attestation, each from a senior, ordained Gospel Minister with proven integrity, or a senior civil servant of at least grade level 12 or above, or a senior military officer.
  • Birth Certificate or statutory declaration of age.
  • Certificate of Origin.
  • Photocopies academic and religious credentials
  • Certificate of medical fitness including HIV I & II Screening result sheets.


  • Having completed First Degree (Bachelor’s Degree) or more.
  • Being a Baptized Christian.
  • Having an intellectual Eros to further knowledge in theology and a calling to serve God and humanity.
  • Having an altruistic spirit, ready to sacrifice for another.
  • Being enrolled with the school.
  • Paying the tuition.


  • Having completed a Master’s Degree or more.
  • Being a Baptized Christian.
  • Having an intellectual Eros to further knowledge in theology and a calling to serve God and humanity.
  • Having an altruistic spirit, ready to sacrifice for another.
  • Being enrolled with the school.
  • Paying the tuition



B1. 101.      BIBLE: INTRODUCTION TO OLD TESTAMENT 1: 2 Semester hours, a book by book study of the Old Testament from Genesis through Esther serving as a background for more intensive study of the individual books.

B1 102        INTRODUCTION TO OLD TESTAMENT II: 2 Semester hours. A book by book study of the New Testament from Job through Malachi.

B1 111        INTRODUCTION TO NEW TESTAMENT I: 2 Semester hours. A book by book study of the New Testament from Matthew through II. Corinthians serving as background for more intensive study in the individual books.

B1 122       INTRODUCTION TO  NEW TESTAMENT  II: 2 Semester hours. A book by book study of the New Testament from Galatians to Revelations.

B1 201        ACTS OF THE APOSTLE: 2 Semester hours. A study of the development of the early church and the personalities involved. Careful attention is given to the Holy Spirit prior to the after Pentecost as he led responsive people groups.

B1 301        HERMENEUTICS: 2 Semester hour. The basic principles of interpretation and various methods of Bible study are set fourth.

B1 302        HEBREWS: 2 Semester hours. The authorship and message of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Special emphasis is given to the relationship of the ceremonial law of the Old Testament to the work of Christ as His Priest and the New Covenant.

B1 202        ROMANS: 2 Semester hours. A careful study of this vital doctrinal Epistle of the Apostle Paul.

B1 211        1 CORINTHIANS: 2 Semester hours. An in-depth study of Paul’s letter to trouble Corinthians Church.

T204           ESCATHEOLOGY: 2 Semester hours. A study of the last thing. This carries a survey of what will come to pass at the time of the coming of Christ and after. this creates hope in the believers.

B1 212        MAJOR PROPHETS: 2 Semester hours. A chapter by chapter study of the prophetic writings of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel.

B1 213        MINOR PROPHETS: 2 Semester hours. A chapter by chapter study of the twelve minor prophets of the Old testaments, from Hosea through Malachi.

B1 311        PENTATEUCH: 2 Semester hours. The contest and theological significance off first five books of the bible, special attention is given to Mosaic authorship, Genesis as the book of origin, the religious institutions of Israel (Priesthood, sacrificial system feast), and Deuteronomy, which is the theological heart of the Old Testament.

B1 401        GENESIS EPISTLE: 2 Semester hours. An evangelical and devotional study of the short. Epistle of James, Peter, and John, and Jude.



T 101          BIBLICAL THEOLOGY 1: 2 Semester hours. An introduction to biblical theology with primary emphasis on the theology of the testament.

102 BIBLICAL THEOLOGY II: 2 Semester hours. An introduction to biblical theology with primary emphasis on the theology of the New Testament.

T 301          SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY: 2 Semester hours. A comprehensive study of the great doctrines of the Christian faith – God, man sin salvation, inspired revelation, Eschatology.

  1. 302 THEOLOGY OF HOLINESS: 2 Semester hours. A study of the Wesleyan doctrine of sanctification as revealed in the scriptures, both as a second definite work of race and as comprehension of the entire work of salvation.



PT 102 INTRODUCTION TO HOMILETICS: 2 Semester hours. A foundation study of the art of preparing and delivering a sermon evangelism.

PT 101 PERSONAL EVANGELISM: 2 Semester hours. A practical course dealing with the techniques and method in personal evangelism, emphasis is placed on students personally involved.

Pt 432 ecclesiology: 2 Semester hours. A practical way on how to run a local church. Setting the committee over the congregation. The church committee is subordinate to the pastor.

PT 111        CRUSADE TECHNIQUES: 2 Semester hours. A practical course on how to plan and carry out a crusade. Emphasis on the theme, place, timing, and people.

PT 112        PASTORAL MINISTRIES: 2 Semester hours. Seeks to introduce the students to the practices of pastoral work and church leadership, ministerial ethics is included in this course.

PT 301        CHURCH HISTORY: 2 Semester hours. A survey of modern times with emphasis upon spiritual lessons to be learned from the record of God’s dealings with His Church through the ages.

PT 311        CULTS AND ISLAM: 2 Semester hours. Evaluates the so-called cults and “Isms” which today have penetrated most of the world. This is approached basically through historical analysis theological evaluation of those system and apologetic contents with biblical truth.

PT 312        AFRICAN TRADITIONAL RELIGIOUS: 2 Semester hours. A study of the false teachings confronting the church of West Africa today. Animism, Islam, Pseudo – Christian Cults.

PT 321        PASTORAL COUNSELLING: 2 Semester hours. Considerations of principles basic to pastoral counseling in light of biblical understanding of as well as valid psychological insights into, human nature.

PT 322        HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY IN AFRICA: 2 Trimester hours. The history of Christianity on the African Continent, its origin in North African, and its spread in black African in modern times.

PT 313        CHURCH GROWTH: 2 Trimester hours. Study of biblical mandates and procedures for Church growth as well as study of present day Churches that are growing in order to discern the causes of Church growth. The role of a pastor as a spiritual leader is carefully considered.

PT 302        WORLD RELIGIOUS: 2 Semester hours. Survey of the history and tenets of the major living religions, giving special attention to their relationship to the missionary task of the Church. The second section concentrates on (African) Islam.


MI 401        CHURCH PLANTING: 2 Semester hours. How to plant churches anywhere in the world. The problem and techniques of Church planting including contacts, church structure form of worship, self-support, participation, leadership, and development, etc.

MI 431        PRINCIPLES OF MISSIONS FOR AFRICAN CHURCH: 2 Semester hour. The biblical way of accomplishing God’s plan salvation in the mission field, especially in an African setting.

MI 421        CROSS-CULTURE COMMUNICATION: 2 Semester hours. Insight from rhetoric persuasion, motivational psychology, psycholinguistics, cultural anthropology.


MI 401        HISTORY OF MISSIONS: 2 Semester hours. A historical overview of the missionary work of the church from the beginning until the present emphasis is given to trends issues, strategy, and methods of the missionary movement. The course designed to give the student a broad outlook and sympathetic understanding of the church’s worldwide task.


EN 101/103 BASIC ENGLISH SKILLS: Semester Hours. This course is designed and taught as development rather remedial for those whose command of English is Sub-Standard on entrance this course is necessary.

PT 232        CHURCH ADMINISTRATION 1: 2 Semester hour. This course is designed for those who is preparing themselves for church leadership at a higher level. The student should be able to understand the technique of interrelation and have skills of managing personnel.

PT 433        THESIS: 4 Semester hours. A research paper of 10,000 words on a theological topic chosen and approved by a faculty adviser before the final semester, to be in standard typed form in triplicate must be submitted before graduation.

MU 111       MUSIC THEORY 1-2: Semester hours each the elements of music, notation of pitch and rhythm, melodic and rhythmic comprehension and perception, the structure, and organization of music.

MU 112       MUSIC PRACTICE 1-2: 2 Semester hours each. A fundamental course in basic musicianship and integration of the basic principles of the melodic and rhythmic organization through part writing and application to sight singing and keyboard training techniques voice.

PT 233        CHURCH ADMINISTRATION II: 2 Semester hours introduction to principles and procedures of personnel management as applied to a local church as well as a denomination.

SC 301        LAW: 1 SEMESTER HOUR: This course designed to give the students an understanding of fundamental legal practice in the environment they are in.

SC 302        PSYCHOLOGY: 2 Semester hour: to have knowledge of human behavior in order to deal with individuals.

SC 311        COMPUTER: 2 Semester hour philosophy for computer application.

ED 403        CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: This course is designed for those who are preparing themselves for church, a school at a higher level the students should be able to understand the skill of preparing material for teaching and educating others.

SC 401        SOCIOLOGY: 2 Semester hour: this course is packaged to enhance student understanding of people in relation to groups and to promote cooperation among cultures.

ED 402        RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: 2 Semester hour: this course is to expose students educationally to research and procedures.