Course Description:

This course is a historical overview of the missionary work of the church from the beginning until the present.

Emphasis is given to trends, issues, strategies, and methods of the missionary movement. To give the student a broad outlook and sympathetic understanding of the church worldwide task as well as help him to be conversant with the missionary movement: an achievement is a primary objective of the course. 

The course takes on an international approach to strategies of missions which are supported by the strong biblical view. It also gives a divine necessity for world evangelization.

The bible’s teaching on mission is outlined through the use of both Old and New testaments. Christ’s great commission is presented as an authoritative model for a strategy of missions today.

The focus of missions is to establish that the Bible forms the foundation for the worldwide mission mandate. The grounds on which the Christian mission rests are the scriptures. Missions are not extra-biblical teaching, it is an integral part of the Bible. In actual fact, missions are the message of the Bible, the entire bible is rich in evidence for the missionary purpose of God.

God has chosen to use people in accomplishing His purpose of man’s redemption. Missions are the most serious work which a person can possibly be involved. Dr. Samuel T. L. Yemey stated that it is doubtful that any other Christian worker has to meet the rigid requirements as those demanded of missionaries.

Often, however, a commitment to missionary service is made with little or no consideration given to the overall preparation for missions, the demands of missionary life, and the involvement of missionary work. Dr. Samuel T. L. Yemey has in his volume brought all three aspects together. This course is unique and deeper and fuller understanding of what an effective missionary is and does. It is a valuable resource for the candidates, the missionary, the mission executive, the professor, the pastor, and the laity.

The professor is eminently qualified to deal with the issues. He is a former missionary to South and West Africa, a noted missiologist, and a gifted Professor and scholar.

His own rich life, dedicated to missions, gives authentic to this work and enhances its usefulness.

Life and work on the mission field deal primarily with areas of concern to the young missionary. Dr. Samuel T. L. Yemey offers an interesting presentation of current missiological theory and practice interspersed with illustrations drawn from daily missionary life. His interpretation of the “missionary call” is biblically sound. He is right on target when he discusses qualifications, other aspects of preparation, and missionary life and work.

All missionaries, whether young or veteran, career or short-team, would benefit greatly from studying this course. I am convinced that thorough study and application would largely weed out those who should not be on the mission field, decrease missionary mistakes and frustrations, and cut down significantly the number of missionary dropouts.

This is a classic Course, both for training prospective missionaries and for training pastors. Pastoral staff and local church missions committees will find it helpful in understanding missionaries, their preparation, life, and work. It will be a useful tool for church education programs on missions. Mission agencies will want to use it in missionary orientation and furlough sessions.

Missionary life and work often are complex; it is not easy. We are indebted to Dr. Samuel T. L. Yemey for this contribution to missions.

The following courses are offered:


Course Contents           

Section One:

  • Biblical Basis for Missions
  • The Missionary and His Quiet Time
  • Bible Doctrine
  • Bible Interpretation (Hermeneutics)
  • Homiletics
  • God’s Eternal Purpose
  • Evangelism, Follow-up & Disciple-making
  • Discipleship
  • Missionary Lifestyle.

 Section Two.

  • Getting a call
  • Overcoming Obstacles
  • Meeting the Qualifications
  • Choosing the Mission
  • Doing Deputation Work
  • Raising Support
  • Gaining Experience

Section Three

  • Coping with Culture Shock
  • Adjusting to Missionary Life
  • Cultivating the Mind
  • Nourishing the Soul
  • Learning the Language
  • Enjoying Single Blessedness
  • Missionary’s Wife
  • Building a Home
  • Children Education
  • Getting along with Others
  • Keeping in Touch
  • Furlough

Section Four:

  • Getting into the Work
  • Evangelistic Work
  • Educational Work
  • Medical Work
  • Theological Work
  • ICT/Media Work
  • Bible Work
  • Literature Work
  • Community Development.