Jesus came preaching and did not baptize his converts in the river, even Peter who he met in the river but He baptized them with the word power baptism as the word of God, and with fire in order to empower them to do the ministry and at last, enter the kingdom of God. And this is what we are doing in Pilgrims developing our own students into total manhood and sending them out to the nations for the following programs as we also recommend some good measures for governance in various nations.

  1. Training Nationals in Ministry to reach their nations for Christ.
  2. To develop the human and spiritual potentials of our trainees.
  3. To develop Christian Education centers and give them free hand in introducing self-enhancing programs for the employment and benefit of the masses just as it happens in the USA, Canada, and Europe.
  4. To create employment opportunities for the teeming graduates of our tertiary institutions in order to make them responsible citizens after training.
  5. We call on our people to review the pre-independence National Anthem in order to live up to the philosophy of Nation, where though the tongues and tribes may differ but in brotherhood, we stand or make a total change to it.
  6. Creating new and exciting dimensions in ministry and other subject areas with the American blend of education in order to produce self-reliant graduates, and not professional applicants.
  7. Networking our trainees with recognized schools in the USA, Canada, and Africa through our students transfer program; eg. Good Samaritan Theological University, and in Pilgrim Theological Seminary, Aba, and Voice of Liberty Training Schools both in Nigeria as affiliate campuses.
  8. Authenticating African and other nationals with acceptable professorial laurels and doctorate awards thereby enhancing them positionally and professionally.
  9. Infusing the love and fear of God into our trainees thereby making them cult-free graduates and responsible citizens who face the challenges of our time globally, like shock absorbers.
  10. Providing scholarship opportunities for students in Africa just as we shall be convoking some of the beneficiaries through the assistance of Good Samaritan Theological University USA.


  1. That Holy Scriptures was given by divine inspiration and is the word of God and contains all things necessary to salvation.
  2. That is the unity of Godhead, there are three persons in one substance, power, and eternity – the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost.
  3. That Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God, the second person of the trinity, was eternally one with the Father, that he was conceived of the Holy Ghost and was born of the Virgin Mary; that he died for our sins both actual and original; that He arose from the dead and ascended into heaven, where he is making intercession for us.
  4. That the Holy Ghost, the third person of the Trinity, proceeds from the Father and the Son as the true and eternal God, of one substance, Majesty and Glory with the Father and the Son.
  5. That all born with a carnal mind which continues to exist after regeneration until destroyed by the baptism with the Holy Ghost
  6. That jurisdiction, regeneration, and adaption are simultaneous in the experience of the seekers after God and are obtained upon the condition of faith in the merits of the shed blood of Jesus. This experience is processed by repentance and is accompanied by the witness of the Holy Spirit.
  7. That entire sanctification is also provided in the atonement; that it is obtained by faith and is wrought both instantaneously (and gradually) by the baptism of the Holy Ghost; that this experience is proceeded by complete consecration and is accompanied by the witness of the Holy Spirit.
  8. That Jesus Christ will personally appear at His second coming.
  9. That there will be a resurrection both of the just and the unjust and future judgment according to the deeds done in this life.
  10. That the first day of the week should be observed as Christian Sabbath.
  11. That the two sacraments of Christian Baptism and the Lord’s Supper should be observed by the Church until Jesus comes again.
  12. That the bible teaches the doctrine of Divine Healing.