Greek and Latin Church Fathers, the early Christian theologians, did a great job in laying out the foundations of the Christian faith and the defense of its Truth Christians believe in the oneness and uniqueness of God. The participation in and the reflection upon this faith in order to express it in a language that is most accurate, consistent, and coherent is what Christian theology stands for Theology is a hermeneutic science that reflects on God and His relations with man and the universe. The Apostle John, in his first epistle, gives one of God’s attributes as follows:

“And we have believed the love which God had in us. God is love, and he that abides in love abides in God and God abides in him”. (NKJ).

Love is God’s nature and identity. How possible is it to do Christian theology and not be acquainted with God’s characteristic and greatest commandment? There is no better parable in the New Testament on this cardinal and theological virtue, and the gift of the spirit, than of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37. Our School of Theology is the Good Samaritan one. Not only because of this parable’s peak, but also its anthropological, ethical, and theological insights.

Theology is an anthropological hermeneutics, a Theo-anthropology, as Henri Bouillard borrowed it from Karl Barth or to say it after Dr. Kangudi Kabwatila. It doesn’t advocate for an extrinsic or deductive approach, but an inductive one that springs out of experience, culture, reason, religion, revelation, or tradition. It is a product of a “Dasein”, man situated as a cross-road of determinism.

The theological training that the “Pilgrim University Theological Seminary and Good Samaritan Theological University, Leadership and African Studies” offers is not denominational, but ecumenical, diversified, and panoramic. The focuses are not exclusively on theoretical, positive, or speculative theology, but abound into an applied theology to equip scholars, ministers, and laypersons to translate into practice Christ mission’s manifesto spelled out in Luke 4:18-20. For, there is no theology without ecology. The Good Samaritan philosophy, which caused Jesus-Christ to heal a woman on the Sabbath day dictates a peculiar leadership style of servant-leader and will rescue Africa from the roadside where history left it in agony in order to give hope and future to this forgotten and fragile continent through the enhancing of African studies.

Associate Degree in Theology: 60-64 credits.

  • Introduction to the New Testament,
  • Introduction to the Old Testament.
  • Hebrew I,
  • Fundamental and N.T. Ethics,
  • Pastoral Theology,
  • Philosophical Anthropology,
  • Greek I,
  • Church History I,
  • Ecclesiology,
  • Biblical Hermeneutics,
  • Christology, Apologetics,
  • Introduction & History of Theology,
  • Evangelism,
  • Theology of the creation,
  • Introduction to the Exegesis of the N.T.,
  • Liturgy & Hymnology,
  • Church planting,
  • Homiletics I,
  • Torah: Exegesis & Theology,
  • Pastoral Care,
  • Synoptic Gospels,
  • Pastoral Epistles,
  • Catholic Epistles,
  • The Book of Revelation,
  • Historic Books of the O.T.,
  • Sapiential Books of the O.T.,
  • Research Workshop


Bachelor Degree in Theology (ThB)

  • Introduction to Pastoral Counseling,
  • New Approach in Theological Hermeneutics,
  • Book of Luke-Act (Exegesis),
  • Introduction to the study of Prophets,
  • History of Israel,
  • History of Religions,
  • Fundamental Theology,
  • Introduction to the Science of Missions,
  • Homiletic II & Christian Eloquence,
  • Soteriology,
  • Eschatology,
  • Pneumatology,
  • Christian Education,
  • Catechetics,
  • Angelo-logy & Spiritual Warfare,
  • Ecumenism,
  • Bible Anthropology,
  • Moral Theology.

Master Degree in Dogmatic Theology (ThM)

  • Seminar: Fundamental Theology,
  • Seminar: Dogmatic Theology,
  • Theology of History of Salvation,
  • Christianity and Contemporary,
  • Culture,
  • Ecclesiology,
  • Theology of Interreligious Dialogue,

Doctrine of God:

  • Trinity,
  • Christology,
  • Ecclesiology,
  • Theology of Sacraments,
  • Theological Anthropology,
  • Theology of the creation,
  • The resurrection of Christ,
  • Theology of the salvation of non-believers.



  • Theology
  • Dogmatic Theology
  • Christian Education
  • Church Management II
  • Tabernacle Doctrine
  • Typology of Bible
  • Homiletics / Public Communication
  • History of Philosophy
  • International Relations
  • Business Organization
  • Group Development
  • Internet Appreciation
  • Practical Theology
  • Research Dictation
  • House Man Ship
  • Theses


Specialized Modules: (Certificate)

  • Evangelism,
  • Liturgy,
  • Church Planting and Sunday school for disabled,
  • Advocacy against HIV/AIDS.
  • English for Franco phones.